About Us

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About Us

Intercontinental University aka ICU Tech

Mantra: "Building Knowledge and Innovative Creativity"

ICU Tech is run by a (7) seven member Academic Board of Trustees; for a term of (3) three years. Going forward, it has been affirmed that every office, except those of the Founding Trustees, shall be either Elective or by Board Appointment; as required. Election of officers shall be by secret ballot or by a show of hands as the occasion may warrant. Election shall take place after the Presentation of the Annual Report of the Chairman or Vice-Chairman; and the Financial Officer or Auditor; as required. Any vacant position in the course of the three years shall be filled at an emergency or the next Quarterly Board Meeting. The founding officers of the Board of Trustees consist of the Board Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer and 4 Directors. As things unfold, Academic Officers shall be appointed to serve for a specific term of office, as may be required.

Location: Tbilisi, Georgia (Main Campus); Picture Post: Forthcoming.


Admin Assistant (In Georgian and English). Correspondence: By e-mail only: [email protected].


- Continental Languages: English, French, Spanish, Italian, Mandarin, Georgian and more.
- Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, Technology, Sciences, Public Health, Business, Sustainable Development, Arts, Humanities, Theatre and Continuing Education.


All Faculty Members at ICU Tech are experienced Published Hybrid Lecturers; Published Researchers, Int. Consultants and hold a minimum of Ph.D. Ed.D, D.BA or D.Litt from Continental Accredited Universities, in their fields of specialization. Samples of the published works and awards of ICU Tech faculty will be depicted in the ICU Tech Facebook: “Academic Work and Awards” (Forthcoming In 2023); including e-Publications and Works-In-Progress Portals.

ICU Tech Rep:
Tbilisi Hybrid Location:

Prof. (Dr.) Miriam Miranashvilli, Ph.D.
Associate Rector
ICU Tech, Tbilisi
Rep. of Georgia.

Requirements for Most Degree Programs:

Students come under the academic requirements of ICU Tech Catalog in effect at the time of their specific matriculation. Normally, these requirements, enforced by the School Dean(s), must be completed within five years from the date of first attendance. A student may choose to fulfill graduation requirements of a newer catalog but may not revert to the original catalog once the change is made.

The following are the requirements that students must complete to earn a degree in their discipline; under review:

  • Complete a minimum of 36 Degree Program semester hours.
  • Successfully complete all courses in the student core curriculum and the Continental Language Credit Electives Chosen.
  • Attain a minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.00.
  • Successfully complete a comprehensive project or capstone; as required.
  • Demonstrate competence in reading, writing, oral communication, computational, and placement soft skills, as required.
  • Alternatively, complete 3 to 6 academic credits in internship experience program (unless waived).
  • Fulfill the residency requirement of 30 Degree Program semester hours.
  • Satisfy the financial obligations to ICU Tech.

Tuition Under Review:

Diplomas, Under Graduate and Graduate Programs 2021-2022 Semesters.

Packages Price
Diplomas Programs $2K USD
Under-Graduate Programs $4K USD
Graduate Programs $5K USD